Label: Weird And Wired
Cat#: WaW023
Format: 6 File Mp3 / VBR
Style: IDM, Glitch
Time to set the mind afloat...to go on an airy trip through gloomy sugar-hills.
Coup D'État may make some hairs stand on end (in the good way,
you know what I mean, right?) but Penniless and wandering strokes
them flat in the softest, warmest fashion imaginable...
.rising up and higher in big and bigger circles towards a powder-blue sky...
I'll stop before I'm embarrassing myself here. Mithra (My Gloomy Machine)
and AM/PM programme sent big ear-candy, now go eat it. In one go.
Produced, Mixed, Programmed, Edited, Composed and Orchestrated
by Miika Salo and SeB Roy
Mastering by Miika Salo
Cover by Audrey Hivon (AkA Nemira of La Tribu Ghabal)
Cosmopolitan Cries Contains a ''Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'' Sample
Miika Would Like to Thank :
SeB for the original idea for this project and for the friendship,
Erik Lydén (Carebear/Orange) for the police scanner on Coup D'État,
Reko of Phokuz (aka Andrei Bastroyer of Decepticons)for inspiration,
the original melody and idea for Penniless and Wandering.
The Snakes contains samples from Psilab's Off Trax (thanks goes to Jussi).
Extra special thanks to Audrey for the cover.
Also special thanks for inspiration + everything to Greg (No Trebles/eN.Ti/Woulg.), Reko,
my family + everyone in the know ;) Thank you guys, you are the shit!
SeB Would Like to Thank : Miika for the friendship and for working
on this project, everyone who has participated (Erik Lydén and Jussi),
especially Reko for giving us the beautiful melody on Penniless and Wandering,
My Love Audrey for the amazing Cover, inspiration and support (Je t'aime!),
my friends (Vous savez qui vous êtes), Greg (No Trebles/eN.Ti/Woulg.),
Oli (Helico Bacter), Dorothea (Wolfseule), Matthias (Massju), and everyone
of the Weird and Wired family.
Bleary-eyed Globe Would Like to thank : Weird and Wired for
releasing this EP and everyone who has downloaded it.
Support the muzik Revolution! Download Freely!
01.Bleary-Eyed Globe - Prima Facie
02.Bleary-Eyed Globe - Coup D'État
03.Bleary-Eyed Globe - Penniless and Wandering (feat. Reko)
04.Bleary-Eyed Globe - The Snakes
05.Bleary-Eyed Globe - Cosmopolitan Cries
This work is licensed under the creative commons license
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