This time, the Swiss/Argentinean label Dilek Records introduces its fifth reference, Planchete Lateral EP. We can define this limited edition as a freaky, techno and western country track. All of this, delivered by our Argentinean captain, Franco Bianco, featuring an interpretation of the famous German artist, Marek Hemmann.
For his second EP, Franco made a crazy experiment like in a chemistry laboratory, and we must admit that he totally crashed everything, because this track is a hit, and it will rock the dance floor by surprising every kind of crowd.
In the original version, you will experiment serious techno beats, but at the same time a funny and ironic atmosphere with this surprising cowboy guitar giving you the idea of being on top of your running horse in the Midwest. This one is perfect for the closing of a set, when everyone looks at you with big eyes, wanting always more, right in this moment, you will make them go crazy again, and again, smiling and thinking positive with these mind blowing beats.
On the other hand, Marek’s remix is a different approach of this craziness, a smooth and intriguing version who slowly builds up, to lead you to a really sexy world. By getting your body to move to those pulsating beats, it will bring you in another dimension, experimenting something of great quality and skilled production. This track is perfect for the 2/4 of a set to create a break and lose yourself in this harmonic variation.
We hope that you will enjoy this reference and that you will experiment many funny and positive moments while playing it and listening to it, as much as we did every time that we had the occasion to share this excellent work made by great artists coming from different horizons and cultures.
It’s a limited vinyl edition, so be sure to have your own copy!
Have a great summer!
+ + + press release + + +

label: dilek records
artist: franco bianco
remixer: marek hemmann
title: planchete lateral ep
cat: dlk 005
format: 12inch & digital
release date digital: 28.07.09
release date vinyl: out now!
listen: here below!
press sheet: http://dilekrecords.com/pdf/dlk005_releasesheet.pdf
+ + + Samples + + +
a - Franco Bianco - Planchete Lateral (Original Mix) – 7:45
b - Franco Bianco - Planchete Lateral (Marek Hemmann RMX) - 9:18
+ + + Buy + + +
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1 comment:
Alexi Delano
Favourite Track: (Original Mix)
Rating: 5/5
Comments: I have been playing the original for a long time. I'm glad it finally sees the light. Love it, it has lots of humor.
Favourite Track: (Original Mix)
Rating: 5/5
Comments: Finally !!!! it's a long time we wait for the release of this track ..and u never send it to us bastard ...and the title is excellent too.And marek remix is a bomb too . bravo guys.
Jamie Russell (Cedric Maison) (Hypercolour)
Favourite Track: (Original Mix)
Comments: Haha, fun release. Not my cup of tea but thumbs up for trying something different!
Stephan Bodzin
Favourite Track: (Marek Hemmann RMX)
Rating: 5/5
Comments: this is th right stuff for my upcoming mexico-tour!!!! yieeehaaa :-)))) love the hemman mix. groove techy working perfect.
Frankie Flowerz
Favourite Track: (Original Mix)
Rating: 4/5
Comments: Not all of this is my taste-but who cares? its still a well done ep-very well packaged and i hope it does well.thnx for the promo!! frankie flowerz
Favourite Track: (Marek Hemmann RMX)
Rating: 4/5
Comments: marek´s remix is a bomb . i like it. full support.
Favourite Track: (Marek Hemmann RMX)
Rating: 4/5
Comments: very cool, i like the remix in particular
Mathias Schaffhauser
Favourite Track: (Original Mix)
Comments: yeah, what a nice + great track! funny, but not stupid. this is humour, not comedy. and a great and interesting production with a lot of surprises. fill support! people will only love or hate this track i guess... ;-) the remix sounds a bit like that marek didn't like the guitar that much + had no real inspiration what else to use as a main element. so it sounds as a good tool to me but not more... sorry. greetz from köln mathias
Alexey Meshkov (amesh)
Favourite Track: (Marek Hemmann RMX)
Comments: great! i like both ))
Joseph Capriati
Favourite Track: (Marek Hemmann RMX)
Rating: 4/5
Comments: nice release,i like the Marek Hemmann version!
Benno Blome
Favourite Track: (Marek Hemmann RMX)
Rating: 5/5
Comments: funny stuff! i like both tracks!
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