Saturday, August 22, 2009

(FPR 038) Bandulu Dub - Spiritual Evolution

Bandulu Dub - Spiritual Evolution
Label: Fresh Poulp Records
Catalog#: FPR 038
Format: File, MP3, 320 kbps, Album
Country: France
Released: 21 August 2009
Genre: Electronic
Style: Dub, World
Artwork : Fabiàn Villasana

Fresh Poulp est fier de proposer dans son catalogue le troisième opus du portugais Bandulu Dub, adepte des collaborations et du bon dub! Après être apparu sur notre compilation "Dub Tentacles Vol.1", Bandulu Dub expose ici son nouvel album "Spiritual Evolution". A l'image de Dub Tentacles, Bandulu Dub propose un véritable voyage à travers la planète avec des collaborations venues de Chine, de Norvège, du Japon, d'Allemagne, de Chypre, du Monténégro ... et bien sur de france avec Roots Ista Posse, déjà membre de Fresh Poulp Records. Entre World Dub, electro dub et roots dub, "Spiritual Evolution" ne peut en aucun cas laisser indifférent. Ecoutez calmement, en vous souhaitant bon voyage!

Fresh Poulp is proud to present the third album from portuguese dubmaster Bandulu Dub, good vibes and musical collab addict ! After his appearence in our compilation "Dub Tentacles vol.1", he strikes back with a full album, "Spiritual Evolution". Like in "Dub Tentacles", Bandulu Dub invites the listener to a trip across the planet, with collaborations from China, Norway, Japan, Germany, Cyprus, Montenegro… and of course France with his label mate Roots Ista Posse. Between Global Beats, Electro-Dub and Roots Dub, "Spiritual Evolution" will bring you lots of musical pleasures. Listen calmly and enjoy the trip!

" Humanity is on the verge of undergoing a global consciousness change.
We are all spirits attending the school of life for the purpose of unfolding latent spiritual power, developing all levels of the original mind creative impulse.
For that - spiritual evolution - humans build upon that which has already been created, but add new elements because of the activity of the spirit. Humans have the capacity, therefore, to become creative intelligences—creators. For a human to fulfill this promise, his training should allow for the exercise of originality.
Spiritual qualities vary among religions, but many are universal, like compassion, charity, faith, love, wisdom, patience, peacefulness, courage, clarity, justice, purposefulness, and tolerance. They're uplifting. When someone improves in any of these areas, then they have progressed spiritually and their energy level increases.
By improving ourselves at one level we can be more effective at the subsequent levels. And while it takes much effort and determination to advance, the family can provide a valuable network of support in this. The family is, in many ways, an extension of oneself and represents the next level of spiritual evolution.
This is part of our family and this is our gift to you. Songs have been made with the blessed work of good friends and the inner feeling that there’s something bigger among us. We are all sparks of light, united to develop a powerful flow: a deep love for life and its possibilities. Each song represents a step in a growing energy stairway. This album is an instrument.
Listen calmly and enjoy the trip
Lídia Oliveira

01. Bandulu Dub meets Zeki Ali and Isidora Lazarevic - Ayurveda 5:00
02. Bandulu Dub meets Australopthecus and Daia - Brilla El Sol 5:11
03. Bandulu Dub meets ALPHADUB Project and Dacal - Planeta Terra 3:21
04. Bandulu Dub meets BaNdula - Moringa 3:07
05. Bandulu Dub meets Jiang Liang - East Dub 3:21
06. Bandulu Dub meets Pop-I & Obed Brinkman and Junior Echo - Long Hair Man3:53
07. Bandulu Dub meets Takanishi Tomoyasu - Mechanisms and Processes 4:52
08. Bandulu Dub meets Hornsman Coyote - Changes 4:12
09. Bandulu Dub meets Russtafarian Sound System and Natural Son Corporation - En la Piel 5:10
10. Bandulu Dub meets Roots Ista Posse and Obed Brinkman - Roots Mi Tourist Dub 3:57
11. Bandulu Dub meets Jah Billah and Haji Mike - Flag 4:15
12. Bandulu Dub meets Trianguli Australis - Spiritual Evolution 4:29
13. Bandulu Dub meets Isaac Maya - Dub Comet (Bonus Track) 5:07

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