Label: Corporate Identity
Cat: corpidex029
Format: MP3 192 kbps
Released: 11 Oct 2009
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Stlyle: Indie, Pop, Folk
Emily – producer, musician, all-round renaissance woman and the guiding light behind Emily In Love – presents her new release “Let’s Pretend We’re In Love”. Compared the her first EP on Corpid Extra, the sound is a lot more defined and confident now, a lot less electronic, as Emily spent a lot of time recording instruments live, occasionally bringing in other musicians like her partners Pia and Ricardo.
The EP opens with "Sow The Seeds", a very meditative reflection on a relationship and a real showcase for Pia’s unique vocal style, which is informal and intimate and draws you in straight away. In Track two, "Jellybean", the more electronic side of Emily In Love shines through this, especially in the percussion sounds. "Half A Chance" exemplifies what was meant about Emily In Love sounding confident – it has a swagger that really gives it an edge - and the saxophone is an inspired touch that sits really well in the mix. "Everything's Ok" is a sad song about missing someone who’s living in another state, and all you’ve got is a phone call to make things better. Saving the best til last – "Here With You" is a real tour de force, not only for what Emily has done with the vocals, but also Ricardo’s guitar. The boy plays a blinder!
1. Sow the Seeds
2. Jellybean
3. Half A Chance
4. Everything's Ok
5. Here with you
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