Sunday, February 28, 2010

(foot 134) Gridline - Tracker

Gridline - Tracker
Label: Bump Foot
Catalog#: foot 134
Format: 10 x File, MP3, 320 kbps
Country: Japan
Released: 28 Feb 2010
Genre: Electronic
Style: Trip-Hop, IDM, Ambient, Experimental

The second album of Gridline is experimental and melodic as well, but it contains his new attempt. "On Tracker, compared to my first album, bigger accent is on rhythms. I tried to create songs that express emotional states in which you cannot recognize whether you're sad or happy." He realised this concept with trip-hop, IDM, and non-beat ambient tracks.

  1. Connecting (4:26)
  2. Outside 1 (6:09)
  3. Outside 2 (7:35)
  4. Tracker (4:09)
  5. Now I Go (2:40)
  6. Dark Blue (4:19)
  7. 59 (4:33)
  8. Schh! (4:35)
  9. You, I (4:32)
  10. Too Bright For Your Eyes (4:53)

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Creative Commons license: Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 

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