Wednesday, December 16, 2009

(PS 014) Swaying Smoke – Unbroken Lantern

Swaying Smoke – Unbroken Lantern
Label: PublicSpaces Lab
Cat#: PS 014
Format: MP3, FLAC
Released: 16 Dec 2009
Genre: Electronic
Style:  Dark Ambient, Drone
Cover Art: Rita Monteiro @ the Lab (concept by James Lowery)

This is Swaying Smoke’s follow up to “Hidden Beneath the Soil”, his first release with PublicSpaces Lab. James Lowery brings us, once more, a masterpiece where detail is everything. Purely a dark noise work, James manages to take us into a complex journey where emotions blend with sounds and where the listener always comes up winning, at the end.
When asked to describe this new work James tells us:
To create the album, I spent a few months recording a large bank of ambient melodies and drones. Each loop was recorded into tracker software, where I manipulated and refined them.
Once I had the bank of loops prepared, I loaded it into different software where I played them all together with a MIDI controller. The end result is a meandering and somewhat improvisational album of five movements. It is akin to an ambient/electronic symphony, if you will. Each loop was an instrument and I used them differently for each movement.
To be listened carefully, “Unbroken Lantern” is a delicate sonic work that reflects the growth of James Lowery as an artist and composer on his way to become, in our opinion, a name to be taken into account on this genre.

  1. Never Been Darker
  2. The Hermit Stares Blindly
  3. Morning Daws Darker Yet
  4. A Stain_of_Light_in_the_Forest
  5. The Ancient_Hearth_Abandoned_to the_wild

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