Thursday, January 28, 2010


schallgut was founded in january 2010 by 3 friends and even - in part - relatives. our mutuality is music. it's our life at all. we spend a lot of time doing music and enjoying music from other artists. we decided to establish a label. one of us already has experiences with professional label work. first thought was to become a commercial label for electro and techno music.

fortunately we changed our minds after we had examined the subcultural market for netaudio. that was exciting. we were thinking about distributing the music of our artist directly to the consumer. our vision is to interact with the user on every level.

thats why we are already working on our v2-website which we are about to launch as soon as possible. v2 will contain numerous integrated features. the user may rate every track available for download.

SCHALLGUTnetlabel is a newly established netlabel located in Frankfurt/Germany. Our main focus is to support talented artists in releasing their tunes to a wide audience. Our style on SCHALLGUT is still open. It only has to match the requirement of electronic music. Our first artist is about to release an EP on 1 February 2010 and is classified as Electroclash/Indiepop. Our second artist will release on 15 February and is classified as Tech House. You can see that we still are open minded for every style of electronic music. We have build up a continously growing community for the promotion of our artists. We expect to reach several thousand of people in near future.
If you want to participate in our growing community you might be interested to publish your tracks on for a free download. We guarantee that your tunes will be stored on thousends of computers in near future. Please do not hesitate to contact us. We are seriously looking forward!!!

SCHALLGUT_001: KSUK - Lollipop King EP by (netlabel)

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