Saturday, March 20, 2010

Atomic Podcast 011 – Nomenklatur

Podcast 011 – Nomenklatur

Nomenklatür est un duo parisien composé d’Olivier Rossi (Lab Insect) et d’Olivier Brucker. Après quelques maxis sortis sur Elektrofon et Space Factory, ils se lancent dans le grand bain avec un premier album, Gift Of Ages, sorti en juin 2009, qui explore la face sombre de la techno, distillant une electro liquoreuse. Un univers synthétique dansant, comme en témoigne ce podcast exclusif pour Atomic Soda. Rave On !

Nomenklatür is a parisian duet created by Olivier Rossi (Lab Insect) and Olivier Brucker. After several EPs on Elektrofon and Space Factory, they launch into the deep end with a first album, Gift Of Ages, released in June 2009, exploring the dark face of the techno, distilling a fluid electro. A dancing synthetic universe, as evidenced by this exclusive podcast for Atomic Soda. Rave On!

Tracklist :
1. Marbeya Sound – Salomon’s Take (Eskimo Recordings)
2. Drexciya – 700 Million Light Years From Earth (Clone Records)
3. Click Box – Sugar Pain (Items & Things)
4. Heinrichs & Hirtenfellner – Dark matter (Highgrade Records)
5. Chloé – Be Kind To Me (Krikor Mean Dub) (Kill The DJ Records)
6. Battant – The Butcher (Marc Houle Remix) (Kill The DJ Records)
7. Gui Boratto – Take My Breath Away (John Tejada Remix) (Kompakt)
8. Remain – Rash (Electric Rescue Remix) (Meant Records)
9. Plastique De Rêve – Lost in the City (40 Thieves Remix) (Supersoul Recordings)
10. Commuter – Cobaye (Skryptöm Records)
11. Luis Flores – The Call (Droid Recordings)
12. Ascii.Disko – Voices of the Dead (Space Factory)
13. Adriano Canzian – Cardiac Science (Nomenklatür Remix) (Space Factory)
14. Nomenklatür – Whispers in the Street (Lab Insect Mix) (Space Factory)

ASP011-Nomenklatur-032010 by nomenklatur


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