Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cesare vs Disorder & Violett - Happy Valentine mixes!

Some celebrate it, others don’t, but everybody comes at a certain point into the typical situation:“Should I get my love / friend / beloved ones something nice for Valentine’s Day?”.

In case you don’t have anything prepared or bought for next Monday – yes, Valentine’s Day is on February 14th – here is just the ultimate small and decent, but still special and exceptional present. Harry Klein Booking artists Violett from Buenos Aires & Cesare vs Disorder from Berlin both scanned their treasures, compiled classics and obscurities, sad and sweet sounds for two Valentine’s Day Mixes. Cesare’s for the girls and Violett’s for the boys. Or vice versa. As long it’s someone you love.

More on our website:

Cesare vs Disorder - Happy Valentine mix!

Cesare vs Disorder - Happy Valentine mix! by Harry Klein Booking


Violett - Happy Valentine mix!

Violett - Happy Valentine mix! by Harry Klein Booking


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